Writing Group 40th Anniversary Celebration!

One of my writing groups, the Children’s Writers’ Round Robin, is celebrating our 40th anniversary in 2024. This past weekend (though our members in British Columbia sadly were unable to come), the rest of us travelled from across Saskatchewan, and Flin Flon Manitoba, to gather in Shaunavon for the first in-person instalment of our 40th year together as a group. We had a wonderful time reconnecting in person, in our treasured decades’-long friendships. In addition to our business sessions, critiquing and brainstorming, we were thrilled to participate in a special afternoon reading sponsored by the Shaunavon Public Library and Museum. That event was beautifully organized by our member Sandra Lynn Davis and head librarian Anne Bennett. There was a great attendance of kids of various ages, with their parents. One of the parents, now a high school English teacher, remembered me from a talk I’d given there when he was in Grade 9! Much of the rest of our time was spent at host Sandra’s farm, a truly peaceful setting 8 miles out of town.

More of our 40th Anniversary celebration will take place in Regina this fall.

One of our longtime group initiatives has been our online bookstore, “Our Little Bookshop”, organized and operated by member Dianne Young. For our 40th anniversary, every week we’re offering one book (or a series) on sale, marked down by 40%.

This week’s sale book is my middle-grade time-slip novel Picturing Alyssa, published by Dundurn in 2011. This book was a finalist in two categories of the Saskatchewan Book Awards, and was also granted a Saskatchewan Arts Board grant for on-site (Iowa) research and to finish writing it.

Topics include bullying, pacifism, and time travel to the farming area of Iowa where my mother spent her childhood. Picturing Alyssa also features the Quaker “Plain Speech” exactly as my grandparents spoke it (thee, thy” etc.) — which, sadly, has been presented incorrectly in dialogue, in every other children’s book I’ve seen that has used it… The family shown on the book cover is my mother’s family, in Iowa in the early 1930s! https://ourlittlebookshop.bigcartel.com/product/picturing-alyssa-by-alison-lohans

Preview of cover art for The Wind & Amanda’s Cello!

An exciting email arrived recently from Nova Scotia artist Sarah Shortliffe. This talented person has finished the cover art for The Wind and Amanda’s Cello, which will be released by Shadowpaw Press sometime this fall.
Obviously more information has to be added to make it an official cover, but here’s a glimpse of how this picture book will greet the world.
Thanks so much, Sarah, for your brilliant work! And fervent thanks also to Edward Willett of Shadowpaw Press, for bringing The Wind and Amanda’s Cello out as part of your imprint!

Exciting updates!

First, I’ve just signed a contract with Lilac Arch Press for a “tough topic” picture book, “The Best Little Sister in the World”. Lilac Arch Press is a fairly new Saskatchewan-based micro-press that is publishing some very interesting and innovative materials. I’m looking forward to working with them!

Second, Lakeview United Church here in Regina – the wonderful place I’ve attended for over 10 years now – got very excited about the feature article on me, which appears in “Neighbours of Albert St. South”. Not only was it announced at a service, but someone actually went to the trouble of photographing the whole thing, and even posted it on the website!

Hoping things are going well in your world(s) as the darkness of winter creeps toward spring.

A lovely review of Tyler Evans the Great, on Indigo!

Tyler Evans the Great

This intimate, humorous portrait of a sensitve child who learns to recognize his own worth will be familiar to anyone who is a kid or has taught kids. Alison Lohans has a special talent for depicting life through the heart and mind of an eight-year-old. The reader will cheer on Tyler’s efforts to mix up magic hero potions, while recognizing the on-going acts of kindness that actually make him a hero.

Anne Patton, retired elementary teacher and award-winning author

Tyler Evans the Great is officially out!

After several weeks of intensive last-minute details, TYLER EVANS THE GREAT is now listed on the publisher’s website. It’s been great working with Heather Nickel of Your Nickel’s Worth Publishing, and my artist cousin Gretchen Ehrsam, once again, to bring a new book into the world!

Hoping readers will enjoy, and identify with, the dilemmas young Tyler faces as he tries so hard to become a hero!


In press – Tyler Evans the Great!

TYLER EVANS THE GREAT, for readers aged 7-9, is at the printer now and will be out later this month from Your Nickel’s Worth Publishing! The illustrations are by my artist cousin Gretchen Ehrsam.

Young Tyler longs to be a hero, but never quite makes the grade. Heroes don’t get nosebleeds at school, or lose a shoe while kicking a ball… They especially never let the class bully steal their lunch! Could a magic potion help?

“What a great classroom conversation starter—about bullying, about the superpower of kindness, about how relationships can and do change.”
—Cathleen Durham, M.A., Educational Technology

“… a heartwarming tale of friendship and heroism, where a young boy’s journey teaches us that kindness can transform ordinary moments into extraordinary adventures.”
—Kellie Badley, Grade 2 teacher

“How to win the affections of his big brother? How to deal with a class bully who constantly tricks him into trouble? Young Tyler’s inventive, never-give-up plans … will bring chuckles and groans, but you’ll cheer when he shines by simply being himself.”
—Gillian Richardson, Award-winning author

Long and Short Reviews “Scavenger Hunt”

I don’t exactly understand how this works, but Long & Short Reviews always has an August anniversary celebration. Over the course of this week, several of my books will be featured. Today’s books include my 2021 award-winning picture book, The 1-Dogpower Garden Team, and a longtime favourite, the mature young adult/adult coming-of-age novel Don’t Think Twice.

In case you’re interested in taking a look, here are the links:
